What a week it's been, huh? What a week! Here's the last, but biggest batch of annotations...
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan is a real nice chap, and a fantastic illustrator, plus his illustrations are in the Guardian guide every week. He also curates Draw Serge, and currently has a weekly strip in the NME
John Allison
Johnny Allison is a super dude, he is the master and commander of Bad Machinery, Scary Go Round and Giant Days. He once killed a crow and blamed it on me. www.badmachinery.com

Lizz Lunney
Lizz is great at annotating, if you're not aware of her work then wake up, she's got a website and everything. www.lizzlizz.comPAGEBREAKPAGEBREAKPAGEBREAKPAGEBREAK
Warwick Johnson Cadwell
Warwick is a flipping marvel, I'm looking forward to buying a whole load of his comics in the near future. Check out his blog, or don't, but if you don't, i'm not talking to you. http://warwickjohnsoncadwell.blogspot.com/
Salle Pierre Lamy
I've been a fan of Salle Pierre Lamy since before you were born, they are a band of puppet men, who sing wonderful songs and make wonderful films, they are just crawling onto the internet at the moment, and it's about flipping time, the world has been waiting.
Timothy Winchester
Timothy Winchester is creates the weekly webcomic people i know, he's also a very nice chap. Look he's drawn my internet avatar as a balloon, nice work sir. http://www.timothywinchester.com/
Steve May
Steve is an illustrator from the London town, you'll probably recognise his work from the fantastic BBC 3 animated series, monkeydust, among other works. http://www.stevemay.biz
Lee Monks
Lee Monks is also called Koris the Illustrator, and you can find more of his work here
Clark Burscough
Clark is a major player in the Thought Bubble festival, and even though he's drawn on the wrong publication, he's gone to a lot of effort of annotating the observer magazine, so here they are.